In 1944 the Fair Association, especially through the efforts of Hugo Pieper, purchased CCC barracks and moved them to the Glidden Fair grounds at Marion Park. The buildings served as the exhibit halls from that time to the 1990's when a new exhibit hall was built. The existing CCC buildings be came the home of the Glidden Area Historical Society and the Glidden History Museum. The Glidden History Museum sports a variety of exhibits depicting Glidden history and its residents. The museum provides a very interesting panoramic historic view of Glidden and the surrounding area. The Glidden History Museum is open during most celebration at Marion Park and ends the summer with three big days during the running of the Glidden Community Fair on Labor Day weekend
On October 28, 1981, ten people met in the Town of Jacobs Town Hall and formed the nucleus of the future Glidden Area Historical Society, Inc. These founding members were: Charles(Chuck) Walli, Eloise Thorsen, Rhynold Schraufnagel, Al Straetz, Edgar Schroeder, Pauline Kempf, Steve Lewis, Donald Bucheger, Pearl Augustine, and Norman Ackermann.
On March 23, 1982 the Society recieved its Charter from the State of Wisconsin, with the gracious help of Attorney Basil G. Kennedy, of Mellen. The non-profit educational organization in an independent organization and not part of the Wisconsin Historical Society.
The first officers elected were Norman Ackermann,President, Al Straetz, VP, Pauline Kempf, Secretary, Gordon Snyder, Treasurer, Rhynold Schraufnagel, Historian, and Hans Brendalen, Board Member.
The Glidden Area Historical Society, Inc. has recieved 501 (C)(3) status from the IRS as a federal tax deductable organization. All business and individual contributions can be deducted from state and federal business or individual income taxes.